Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing Hazelnuts

About three years ago I saw an ad from the Arbor Day Foundation that had hazelnut bushes for sale. As one often prone to making impetuous decisions, I fervently insisted that we get some! I logged countless hours of research on the internet, devouring anything I could find on the topic of growing hazelnuts. I encountered information ranging from growing hazels from seeds and clippings to emerging markets in hazelnut production.

My dreams of someday selling candied hazelnuts at the farmer's market were dashed, however, when all three of my plants died. The next year I received a survey from the Arbor Day Foundation asking me how my plants were fairing. I indicated that they were dead and they offered to send replacement plants during the next planting season. Of those three replacement plants, only one remains. I planted two in my yard and entrusted the third to my mother.

Without significant growth, I did not have high hopes for my two. Imagine my surprise when I parted the spring wall of grass to discover this one survivor, after losing all hope that I would one day have healthy hazelnut bushes in my backyard. When we visited my mom for Mother's Day, I slipped back to check on the one I had hoped would have better luck in her yard. I was saddened when I could not find it in the monstrous pack of weeds that had overtaken the area where we had planted it.

My hope now is that I can help this last little guy along until he is healthy and hardy enough to offer a clipping so I can plant another bush. I'll keep you posted!

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