This is a chronicle of Our Green Adventure, the quest of one family to live a healthier, greener lifestyle. Join us as we make conscious decisions about where our food comes from and how we can make a difference, no matter how small.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Picking Asparagus
Tara mentioned in her Meatless Monday post that we had taken a trip to the U-pick-it Farm to cut fresh asparagus. This is actually a picture taken from our 1st year plantings in the garden the night after our little adventure, since I forgot to snag the camera before we headed out. But even without being able to take action pictures for the post, we all had a blast.
It might be hard to imagine describing such an outing as 'fun', and I will admit that it does sound a little weird saying it. While there are certain benefits apparent with picking your own asparagus, such as having access to fresh produce that hasn't been stored in a bin and poked and prodded by various shoppers and their children before you've purchased it, there are also those moments that can't be quite as easily described. Like watching your toddler step daintily between the rows in the field, stopping to point at a bunch of small green vegetables pointing their way up through the loose brown soil. Or seeing your son, who normally spends the majority of family outings with his head hidden behind his Nintendo DS screen, eagerly rushing from one grouping to the next in search of the perfect asparagus to cut.
Our oldest was stuck with me. We combed the rows in the field looking for pristine shoots that were around 6 inches in height, avoiding the ones that looked too fat or too skinny. It felt odd having so much control over the ones we picked, rather than rummaging through the pre-bundled bunches in the produce aisle. It was liberating and the fruits of our labor were delicious!
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